on May 08, 2024

Polarizing filters are indispensable tools for photographers aiming to elevate their outdoor and landscape photography.

However, navigating user feedback from platforms like Amazon.com reveals a landscape of common complaints, ranging from compatibility to color casts and beyond. 

What do photographers complain about Polarizers?

Let's explore what users complain about polarizers and how Marumi clears the hurdles that have long frustrated photographers in finding the best-suited polarizer for each individual.


  1. Lens Cap, Lens Hood Compatibility
    Some users find that their lens caps do not fit securely on the polarizer, requiring the polarizer to be removed to protect the lens with the lens cap.

    This is because some lenses are designed with unique specifications that deviate from the standard sizes of filter manufacturers.
    To avoid this mismatch, we suggest checking the lens specifications on the manufacturer's website before purchasing a filter including polarizer.
    If the lens has non-standard dimensions, it may be necessary to use the lens manufacturer's genuine filters to ensure a proper fit.
    We announce and store compatibility information sorted with the tag link

  2. Color Cast
    A common complaint is that some polarizers introduce a color cast to the photos, often making them appear warmer or slightly yellowish, which can be very annoying for those who want the original true color.


    From our polarizer lineup, the Plasma CPL shows the highest property of color neutrality, as the testing proved, which resulted in the RBG chart. DHG Super CPL is the second-best choice, fulfilling the neutrality request. 

    DHG Super CPL performs excellent color neutrality in our product line up


  3. Image Sharpness
    There are concerns that some polarizers, especially the "you get what you pay for" type of cheap product, may reduce the sharpness of your high-resolution lens image, particularly observable at the corners or extreme edges of the photo.

    Image degradation can happen due to a number of causes, including intentional diffusion or effect filters, but the optically negative effects primarily originate from filter quality like optical flatness or coating technique.
    A key issue is the reflection off the glass, which can be as high as 8% without an anti-reflective coating applied to the surface. The new Plasma CPL filter sets a new standard by achieving an exceptionally low reflection rate of 0.18%, greatly minimizing the impact of glare and flare on images. 

    Reflection in comparison


  4. Vignetting
    Thicker mounting rings on some polarizers can cause vignetting, especially when used with wide-angle lenses. This results in darkened corners.

    The best solution is our thinnest frame polarizer, FIT+SLIM Polarizer. The frame structure is designed to avoid vignetting in screw-in Type. Another method is to switch to Magnetic Slim attachment. 


  5. Exposure Adjustment
    The need for increased exposure (about one f/stop) with polarizers can be a drawback in certain lighting conditions.


    While all polarizers affect light transmission to some degree, the Marumi EXUS CPL is an HTC (High Transmittance Polarizer) that maximizes light throughput, minimizing the need for exposure compensation.



  6. Build Quality
    Users have reported issues with the build quality of some polarizers, including flimsy construction or difficulty in rotating the filter. This is also remarkable in the "You get what you pay for" type of cheap product.


    When using screw-in filters, there's an unavoidable risk or mistake of over-tightening the screws. Marumi designs and manufactures our screw sizes following industrial standards, which minimizes the risk of a filter becoming irremovable due to defects. However, to further reduce this risk, Marumi also offers brass polarizers, which have an even lower risk of this issue than aluminum filters.


  7. Effectiveness
    Some users question the effectiveness of certain polarizers, noting little to no difference in glare reduction or color enhancement, which is dependent on the degree of polarization.

    Some users may not see a significant difference in glare reduction or color enhancement when using polarizing filters. This could be due to a lack of understanding of how to properly use these filters, or it might be because some polarizers have a low degree of polarization. EXUS CPL performs the utmost polarization effect among all polarizers in our product lineup.

    Polarization Degree of EXUS CPL is the highest among all Polarizers in our product line up


  8. Price vs. Performance
    While cheaper options are appealing, users sometimes find that the performance does not meet their expectations, leading to regrets about not investing in a higher-quality filter.

    This distinction is not merely about branding but is deeply rooted in the product's advanced technological features and the tangible benefits these features offer advanced photographers and professional equipment alike.
    The new  Prime Plasma Sputtering C-P.L endorses the technological features to be a flagship model.


  9. Difficulty in Use
    Beginners or those unfamiliar with polarizers may struggle with understanding how to adjust the filter properly for the desired effect.


  10. Compatibility with Other Filters
    Users who stack filters report difficulties or degraded image quality when using a polarizer with other types of filters.

    We have a two-in-one solution with the CPL/ND, avoiding risks of degraded image quality.



Thank you for your attention for reading!

Marumi Team