Marumi Magnetic Slim StarScape Kit The Magnetic Slim StarScape Kit is specially designed for astrophotography enthusiasts. It includes a light pollution cut filter, which also functions as a magnetic slim...
Marumi Magnetic Slim StarScape Adp. The Marumi Magnetic Slim StarScape/Adp. functions as a magnetic adapter as well as a light pollution cut filter, screwing into your lens thread as a...
Magnetic Slim Step-Up Adapter The Marumi Magnetic Slim Step-Up Adapter is essential to stack the other Magnetic Slim Filters simultaneously, functioning as a step-up ring. The Screw-in adapter initially to...
Magnetic Slim White Powder Mist 1/2 The White Powder Mist is a magical portal to the nostalgic realm of vintage lenses. It creates ethereal flares that vary with the light's...
Magnetic Slim White Powder Mist 1/4 The White Powder Mist is a magical portal to the nostalgic realm of vintage lenses. It creates ethereal flares that vary with the light's...
Magnetic Slim White Powder Mist 1/8 The White Powder Mist is a magical portal to the nostalgic realm of vintage lenses. It creates ethereal flares that vary with the light's...
Marumi MC Close-UP Lens (+1)The Marumi MC Close-UP Lens (+1) is a Long-selling filter easily to create a macro effect with a low-cost budget Enabling fascinating insect or flower photography...