Yuri Pritisk

    Youri Pritisk


    Yuri Pritisk is a/an;

    • member of the Union of Photographers of Russia
    • bright modern photographer
    • teacher with experience in the largest photography schools in the world and the Russian Federation,
    • author of training for the Russian provider of the New York Institute of Photography, presenter of masterclasses, and winner of more than 100 prestigious competitions.

    Yuri Pritisk explores and combines psychological portrait and landscape, genre, and art photography. Most of the author's photographs were taken without flashes or traditional lighting schemes with artificial light. When shooting, home-made and professional optical filters are often used, and original developments, unique photography techniques, and an exceptional approach to implementation are transferred to students when learning by the "PORTFOLIO-REVIEW" method.

    The geography of students confirms the international status: Japan, USA (Illinois, California, Arizona), Turkey, Cyprus, Germany, France, Switzerland (Dubendorf, Zurich), Czech Republic, Denmark, Australia, Great Britain (Northampton, London), South Africa, Israel, Arab Emirates, Finland, Latvia, Estonia, Moldova, Ukraine, Belarus, Russia. Yury Pritisk's graduates win competitions, participate in festivals and hold solo exhibitions. 


      Yuri Pritisk est né en 1976 à Novocheboksarsk. Ses types de photographie préférés sont les portraits psychologiques et les paysages, et Yuri excelle dans l'utilisation des techniques d'éclairage disponibles.

      Yuri utilise des techniques de prise de vue spéciales et des compétences techniques uniques, utilisant souvent des filtres MARUMI et des filtres optiques faits maison dans ses photographies. Depuis 2011, il enseigne dans les plus grandes écoles de photographie et se consacre également à une formation personnelle hautement professionnelle.

