What makes DHG Series unique to your lens?

DHG Series performs a significant low reflection to enhance your image quality and scratch resistance on the surface of the glass.

"Grade" Model +
Scratch resistance

Marumi Standard model with an excellent Anti-reflection performance under an affordable price range.

Marumi DHG (21)

DHG Achromat Macro 330(+3)

$0.00 USD

DHG ND-100000

$90.00 USD

DHG Achromat Macro 200(+5)

$0.00 USD

DHG Soft Filter Complete

$0.00 USD

DHG Soft Filter Pair

$0.00 USD

DHG Lens Protect

$0.00 USD

DHG Foggy Soft

$0.00 USD

DHG Soft Fantasy II

$0.00 USD