Thomas Falconer

    Thomas Falconer

    $0.00 USD

    Thomas Falconer is a Picture Taker, Film Maker from New Zealand.

    He has always been a creative person with a huge imagination and big dreams- Growing up around cameras has always been a stepping stone for him and his creative ideas. Encouraging his imagination to stretch and push into learning new things and finding ways of expressing his personality.

    Over the last 7 years he has filmed more than 250 weddings and each special day teaches him new things. There’s no greater joy for Thomas than working with a couple who are open to bringing their love story to life and thinking outside the box - after all your wedding day is unique because it’s about you. It’s positively infectious, being able to witness and share in people’s milestones and it truly is something to cherish. It would be his honor to capture this next step of your journey together.

    ‘We didn't realize we were making memories, we just knew we were having fun’ - Winnie the Pooh


    • Barcode:
    Thomas erklärt, er sei ein großer Fan der Backstreet Boys, ein Kenner von Eggs Bene und ein leidenschaftlicher Mountainbiker. Außerdem liebt er nichts mehr, als von tollen Leuten umgeben zu sein und all die schönen und epischen Seiten des Lebens einzufangen.

